Stage 1: Accommodation in Sistiana

Hotel Eden in Sistiana is a well kept 3 star hotel with very good breakfast

Hotel Eden in Sistiana

In Sistiana we can visit the Hotel Eden recommend: The rooms may seem a bit sterile at first glance, but the reception at the hotel was very warm and the breakfast buffet very varied and delicious. This is probably not least due to the fact that the hotel also operates a restaurant on the first floor, which is dedicated to upscale cuisine.

The rooms of the 3-star hotel are clean and well-kept, the bathrooms almost like new. A special accent is created by the eye-catching bedside lamps and the wallpaper, which is either striped lengthwise or checkered, depending on the room. Only the location on the main road may be a disadvantage. If you like to sleep with an open window at night and get a room facing the main road, you might want to leave the window closed and turn the air conditioning up a bit. The air conditioning works perfectly in the Hotel Eden.

beautiful and spacious bathrooms in Hotel Eden in Sistiana

Restaurant Vanilija belongs to the hotel. When the weather is nice, an outdoor bar is set up on the terrace.

Room with longitudinal striped wallpaper at Hotel Eden in Sistiana