Overview of the stages of the circuit around Trieste

  • The view of Trieste accompanies us on two of the total of five stages

Start and end point of the circular walk is Trieste, a very attractive and anything but crowded port city at the easternmost tip of the Italian Adriatic.

From here it goes in five daily stages through the karst landscape to Slovenia and back to Trieste:

StageDurationRouteIncreaseDescentStage destinationOvernight stay
Stage 16:45h18,5 km290 m555 mSistianaHotel Eden in Sistiana
Stage 25:00h13,6 km345 m135 mSales o. SgonicoB&B Sgonico
Stage 36:00h16,9 km340 m395 mOpicinaHotel Valeria
Stage 47:30h21,5 km375 m265 mLokev (Slovenia)Casa Krasna Guest House
Stage 56:00h14,5 km425 m800 mBagnoli Superiore (from there bus ride to Trieste)Trieste hotels
Total31:15h85,0 km1.775 m2.150 m

Notes on the routing

The route documented on this website runs for the most part along the path of the Alpe-Adria-Trails (AAT)which, coming from the Alps, ends in Trieste. In order to be able to make a varied circular walk, we have combined the AAT with the Via Alpina, as well as some small ones, regional trails combined.

Actually Circular hike for our route even the wrong term. Because strictly speaking we do not hike around but in the form of a lying eight! The fact that we pass the starting point of the starting stage again at the beginning of stage 4 is on the one hand due to the topography and on the other hand due to the fact that Opicina is a really nice place for an overnight stop. Besides, this also has quite practical advantages: The long-distance hike can be interrupted or shortened very well at this point.