All Commissario Laurenti detective stories in the overview

The German writer, who lives in Trieste Veit Heinichen with the crime series about the likeable protagonist. Commissario Proteo Laurenti has created a literary declaration of love for his adopted homeland. The crime novels set in Trieste have been translated into several languages and have won numerous German and Italian prizes.

The crime series currently comprises 11 volumes:

Volume 1: Give each his own death

Volume 2: The Dead of the Karst

Volume 3: Death on the waiting list

Volume 4: Death casts long shadows

Volume 5: Dance of Death

Volume 6: The calm of the strongest

Volume 7: No question of taste

Volume 9: The newspaper woman

Volume 10: Outlandish Court

Volume 11: Distant relatives

Thrillers with Xenia Zannier

Laurenti is not the only detective investigating in Trieste. From time to time, Veit Heinichen also gives Xenia Zannier the leading role!

"Borderless", the first volume featuring Inspector Xenia Zannier, was published in 2019.

Volume 1: The Borderless